麦わら の 一味 11 人目は誰になるのでしょうか?

Straw Hat Pirates

Ahoy, fellow adventurers of the high seas! Welcome to truyenjp24h.com, your go-to source for all things One Piece. Today, we dive deep into the captivating question that has been on everyone’s mind: who will be the 11th member of the legendary Straw Hat Pirates?

As the grand tale of One Piece nears its conclusion, the possibility of the 11th member becoming the final addition to this illustrious crew cannot be ignored. Allow us to present the potential candidates for the coveted spot:

The Straw Hat Pirates’ 11th member prediction: Coby


For various reasons, I firmly believe that Coby has a high chance of becoming the 11th member. We all know that Garp, his mentor, was captured by the Blackbeard Pirates. However, it’s highly unlikely that he was fatally wounded by Admiral Akainu.

With Luffy being Garp’s grandson, it’s plausible that Coby will join forces with him to rescue their beloved mentor. In his quest for revenge against Admiral Akainu, Coby might even join the ranks of SWORD, a secret organization within the Navy, to gain the necessary power.

Considering Coby’s admiration for Luffy and his desire to protect justice, joining the Straw Hat Pirates seems like a natural progression. Plus, being part of the crew would give him more freedom to act without the restrictions that come with being in the Navy.

Can you imagine the heart-stopping battles that could unfold between Coby and the fearsome Admiral Akainu of the Blackbeard Pirates?

The Straw Hat Pirates’ 11th member prediction: Eustass “Captain” Kid

Captain Kid

Becoming Kid’s ally might prove to be a challenging feat. According to the mastermind himself, Oda-sensei, the final crew member must be on par with Vegeta. Enter Kid, one of the most notorious rookies in the pirate world.

Kid shares similar traits with Luffy, such as being brash and prideful. His insatiable hunger for strength often pits him against our protagonist. However, after sustaining a defeat at the hands of Shanks and the subsequent disbandment of his crew, Kid might find himself aboard the Straw Hat ship.

Given Kid’s fiery personality, it’s not far-fetched to envision him demanding to join the crew even without a ship of his own. With his fierce determination, he would be a great addition to the Straw Hat Pirates. Picture Sanji and Nami trying to rein in the reckless antics of both Luffy and Kid!

In my opinion, Kid would infuse the crew with an exhilarating energy.

The Straw Hat Pirates’ 11th member prediction: Sabo


The believed-to-be-deceased Sabo miraculously returns to the stage in the kingdom of Dressrosa. As a loyal member of the Revolutionary Army, he relays the events that unfolded at Mariejois, captivating the attention of the World Government.

Just like the scholars of Ohara and the brilliant Vegapunk, Sabo possesses knowledge that makes him a target. Amidst the impending downfall of the Revolutionaries, Dragon grants Sabo permission to escape and assigns him a mission—to uncover the mysteries of the “Will of D” and turn the world upside down.

While we don’t know the extent of his powers, the idea of Sabo teaming up with Luffy to challenge the formidable Admiral Akainu is electrifying. Without Sabo’s intervention, the Admiral could prove to be an even fiercer opponent than Blackbeard.

It seems that Sabo has been able to communicate with Luffy via a Den Den Mushi. What crucial message did he convey to our beloved Captain?

The Straw Hat Pirates’ 11th member prediction: Weevil


Allow me to propose Weevil as the 11th member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Weevil is a man who is willing to risk his life for his comrades, displaying deep concern for their well-being.

With his incredible strength and unwavering loyalty, Weevil brings a well-balanced dynamic to the crew. Seeking vengeance against Blackbeard for his father’s sake, he could find his purpose in joining the Straw Hat Pirates.

The transformation from Weevil’s alluring appearance to his fierce persona could unfold in an epic episode where he defeats Blackbeard and becomes a crewmate of the future Pirate King.

The Straw Hat Pirates’ 11th member prediction: Yamato


As the birth of the Pluton weapon in Wano Country draws near, the long-awaited day of its opening arrives. Oden had always intended for Wano to open its doors before the arrival of Joy Boy. Zunisha, sensing the resurrection of Joy Boy, breaks through the walls surrounding Wano and sets Pluton free.

Moments like these that have sealed Yamato’s resolve—she, along with Momo and the Akazaya Nine, will protect Wano, while harboring the desire to journey with Luffy to Raftel.

Yamato, who bears admiration for Oden, longs to embark on a voyage similar to the one Ace shared with Luffy. Naturally, their first objective would be the fabled destination—Raftel.

The Straw Hat Pirates’ 11th member prediction: Jewelry Bonney

Jewelry Bonney

Jewelry Bonney, the “Egghead,” is currently working undercover. Rumor has it that her father will join the Straw Hat Pirates. Having received her father’s advice, the probability of Jewelry Bonney joining the crew is incredibly high.

Having heard of the legend of Niko from Kuma, Bonney believes in the story of how Niko will liberate the world. Her desire to exact revenge against the World Nobles resonates with the crew, making the Straw Hat Pirates a natural ally.

Inevitably, a battle against the celestial dragons who tormented both Niko and her parents seems to be the next logical step. And with Bonney’s insatiable appetite for food, she would undoubtedly find herself indulging in Sanji’s delectable dishes, forging a lasting partnership.

The Straw Hat Pirates’ 11th member prediction: Carrot


Last but not least, we have Carrot, a member of the Mink Tribe. She provided invaluable assistance during the events on Whole Cake Island, proving herself to be a worthy ally.

Carrot, a warrior of the Mink Tribe, possesses the ability to transform into Sulong (Moon Lion) form, which enhances her combat prowess under the light of the full moon. Not to mention the significance of Zou, the home of the Mink Tribe, in the journey to Raftel.

As Zunisha, the symbol of the Mink Tribe, proclaims something of utmost importance at that point, could it be a message involving Carrot?

Although her fighting abilities are limited outside of her Sulong form, her Mink heritage might prove advantageous. Who can forget the scene where Carrot, together with Sanji and Nami, restrained the reckless outbursts of Luffy and Kid?

While it may appear unlikely that Carrot will join the Straw Hat Pirates at present, her presence is a topic of fervent discussion.

In Conclusion

Ah, the beloved One Piece—an adventure that keeps us on the edge of our seats! Did your favorite character make an appearance? The question of the 11th Straw Hat Pirates member lingers, but personally, I believe there’s room for at least two or three more crew members before this epic tale reaches its finale.

Who will be the final piece of the Straw Hat Pirates puzzle? We can only wait with bated breath, my friends.

Stay tuned to truyenjp24h.com, your trusted source for all things One Piece and more, as we unveil the answers to this intriguing mystery. Arigato gozaimasu!


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